Residential Security Services

Leicestershire is a very much so rural district in many respects as it has a variety of attractive countryside locations to offer with magnificent scenery and consequently many cottages, manor country homes and private prestigious developments are situated in vulnerable, isolated geographical formation. Many homes are a potential target at times of public holidays and in the winter months when darkness falls early. Residents seek to ascertain a reputable local Security Provider whom they may have previously heard about within the community or just ‘word of mouth’ from a friend or colleague.

We are a local company providing the Security requirements of local councils, businesses and residents of Leicestershire. Located in the heart of Evington and accessible to Leicestershire within minutes, having Mobile Security Officers geographically placed to minimise response time, we can offer all clients the ‘peace of mind’ that premises are safe and secure at all times in their absence. Homes are equally as protected having the appropriate Security Services in place. Many clients require Security Services during the Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays or simply on a regular basis dependent upon personal requirements.


The same procedure is implemented whether it is Static Guarding where the client may require Static Security over the weekend due to a private function, away for long weekend or similar occasions or whether it may be where Mobile Security Patrols are conducted over several weeks on a daily basis throughout the night at regular intervals. Diester Checkpoints and security boards are placed at agreed locations. Mobile Security Officers will use the Guardwatch Swipegun when conducting each Mobile Security Patrol making certain all Diester Checkpoints have been swiped and ensuring premises are safe and secure. An electronic printout (Customer Report) is forwarded to the client as agreed on their return.

Uniform Company Vehicles Display of Signs